From the charcoal oven to a hot sizzling plate. Each comes with a choice of homemade humus, cold cucumber sauce, vindaloo sauce and basmati rice or brown rice.
Our chefs have prepared a homemade mint curry sauce. Onions, tomatoes and spices. Cooked with your choice of meat or vegetables simmered well, a creamy mint flavor with fresh herbs and spices. All entrées served with basmati rice or brown rice. Choose your choice of sauce preparation and choice of meat or vegetable. Our Chefs will prepare your dish. If you want to increase a level of spice from 5 to 10, please mention to your server. 1 to 5 is mild.
This creamy nutty sauce was invented in Britain and became world famous. We prepare it with diced peppers, onions and tomatoes cooked in yogurt, cashew paste, cream and fresh herbs. All entrées served with basmati rice or brown rice. Choose your choice of sauce preparation and choice of meat or vegetable. Our Chefs will prepare your dish. If you want to increase a level of spice from 5 to 10, please mention to your server. 1 to 5 is mild.
This buttery rich sauce Delhi heights love to eat on a daily basis. This sweet texture sauce contains tomatoes, cashew paste, cream and fresh herbs. All entrées served with basmati rice or brown rice. Choose your choice of sauce preparation and choice of meat or vegetable. Our Chefs will prepare your dish. If you want to increase a level of spice from 5 to 10, please mention to your server. 1 to 5 is mild.
The gorgeous valley of Indian was always a big influence over north Indian food from humble people to fresh air and nutty sauces we prepare sweet yummy creamy and fruity. All entrées served with basmati rice or brown rice. Choose your choice of sauce preparation and choice of meat or vegetable. Our Chefs will prepare your dish. If you want to increase a level of spice from 5 to 10, please mention to your server. 1 to 5 is mild.
North Indians richest state PUNJAB, The delighted farmers green fields have created spinach for decades. Grandmother’s recipes have always been a favorite from road side dhabas to exclusive hotels. Fresh herbs create a mouth watering combination. All entrées served with basmati rice or brown rice. Choose your choice of sauce preparation and choice of meat or vegetable. Our Chefs will prepare your dish. If you want to increase a level of spice from 5 to 10, please mention to your server. 1 to 5 is mild.
To keep North Indian cuisine simple, homemade cooking like our grandmother, we go simple on this one. Onions, tomatoes and spices. Cooked with your choice of meat or vegetables simmered well, sprinkled with cilantro. Eat with white rice or wheat bread. All entrées served with basmati rice or brown rice. Choose your choice of sauce preparation and choice of meat or vegetable. Our Chefs will prepare your dish. If you want to increase a level of spice from 5 to 10, please mention to your server. 1 to 5 is mild.
Vindaloo is derived from Portuguese word vinha de alhos the two main ingredients in it is vinha means wine or wine vinegar and alhos meaning garlic. It was completely revamped with fresh herbs and chilies and now its well knows as spiciest dish on Indian menu but our chefs have a good control on chilly you tell your server while ordering how spicy you can handle. All entrées served with basmati rice or brown rice. Choose your choice of sauce preparation and choice of meat or vegetable. Our Chefs will prepare your dish. If you want to increase a level of spice from 5 to 10, please mention to your server. 1 to 5 is mild.
This special creation with julienne onions, peppers, tomatoes in a thick masala curry sauce sprinkled with aromatic spices. All entrées served with basmati rice or brown rice. Choose your choice of sauce preparation and choice of meat or vegetable. Our Chefs will prepare your dish. If you want to increase a level of spice from 5 to 10, please mention to your server. 1 to 5 is mild.
All entrées served with basmati rice or brown rice. Choose your choice of sauce preparation and choice of meat or vegetable. Our Chefs will prepare your dish. If you want to increase a level of spice from 5 to 10, please mention to your server. 1 to 5 is mild.
Biryani is served with cold cucumber yogurt.
Indo-Chinese. Prepared dry or with gravy.
Indo-Chinese. Prepared dry or with gravy.
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